The site is located within Cedar Hill State Park, about 15 miles from the UTA campus. Specifically, the site is in the Lake view Camping Area between the public boat launch and picnic area

Building Concept: - Movement + synchonicity
- Exploring the movement of boats, oars, rowing and body’s motion.    - Describe as a poetic, transcendent experience.

Head and Torso inspiration 

01 Site Entry   02 Parking   03 Team Trailers   04 Outdoor Waste   05 Pedestrian Walk    06 Building   07 Excavated Site
08 Boat Launch Apron   09 Floating Dock   10  Landscaping   11   Stairs/Outdoor Viewing

The framing system for this building is based on a 40’ x 40’ grid that fluctuate in size based on the change of movement of the building mass. The grid is built with one intermediate beam in each bay and 7-ply CLT panels spanning 20’ between glulam beams.

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